
We believe we are among the front-running carriers in Europe when it comes to investing in lower-carbon assets. Emission reduction goals and targets is part of our CSR strategy, our aim is to offer sustainable solutions as the first step.

A zero-emission solution within the next decade is a must win battle at Kaj Madsen Fjelstrup A/S, a big task but realistic, already today we offer 95 % emission free solutions on selected lanes to clients along with our carbon reporting dashboard allows customers to track their carbon footprint.

Despite increasing awareness and willingness to take action, prices of sustainable fuels and solutions remain high in this time of transformation, to overcome this challenge unity is the key to secure a sufficient pace and development by having long term commitment from supplier and clients.

With the force and transparency of our own large fleet, we are the right partner to measure, and to be measured with, as we are one with our production, and we can guarantee you the most green and measurable production on the market.

Konstant mere end 550 transporter af fødevarer og andet på de europæiske veje